What is PAGE?

We represent a community with a shared interest in data analysis using the population approach.

PAGE privacy policy

  • If you are registered in our database you can always request to be removed from this database by sending an email to info@page-meeting.org.
  • If you are registered in our database you will receive no more than two general emails per year: one to provide you with a first announcement, and possibly one to notify you that registration has opened. This email allows you to be removed from the database by clicking a link at the bottom of the email.
  • When you have registered for a PAGE meeting we will do our utmost to minimise the number of emails that will be sent to you, and all mailings will be strictly related to the PAGE meeting itself.
  • We will not provide personal details to anyone, including satellite meeting organisers and PAGE sponsors.
  • The listing of registered participants is only visible for those that have a profile in the PAGE general database. The listing has been updated for current and previous meetings, and now only includes first and last name, affiliation and country. By clicking on the link provided by the participant's name, you can contact fellow PAGE participants through a web-based email form that does not reveal the email address of the recipient, but will show your email address when sending the mail.
  • All payments  and financial transactions for registration fees are managed by CM.com, and consequently PAGE does not store any credit card details.

