Ninth Meeting, 15 - 16 June 2000
The PAGE2000 meeting was held at the Fonseca Palace and was hosted by the University of Salamanca and the University of Coimbra
List of participants
Salamanca is a beautiful historic town about 200 km from Madrid. To get a flavor check out this site and the map
The meeting has an informal atmosphere and participants are encouraged to present their work in the form of an oral presentation or a poster (0.90 m width vs 1.90 height). You are especially encouraged to present work in the area of Clinical Trial Simulations, Paediatrics or AIDS.
Fees for regular participants will be 15,000 Pesetas or 90 EURO and include coffee breaks, lunch on Thursday, the social event on Thursday evening and a light lunch on Friday (the meeting ends around 01:00 PM). A restricted number of places (30) is reserved for students with proof of their academic status for the reduced registration fee of 3,000 Pesetas or 18 EURO.
Payment of fees will be possible at the meeting only: 1. in cash in Pesestas only 2. by special EURO bank cheques payable to the order of PAGE2000 (account number 2104 0142-18-1100000680 at Caja Duero)
No other cheques or credit cards can be accepted because of the associated excessive charges.
Costs for hotels and transportation to Salamanca are not included. A special bus service free of charge will be arranged between Madrid and Salamanca on Wednesday June 14 (03:00 PM and 10:00 PM) and back on Friday after the end of the meeting (the trip takes about 2.5 hours).
31 MARCH 2000
Abstracts (150-300 words) must be submitted by 31 MARCH 2000 by e-mail as attachment in RTF format or ASCII files. Because of virusses and time of translation, NO OTHER FORMATS WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you do not have e-mail, or require additional instrutions please contact the meeting secretariat.
No registration will be possible on the day of the meeting. The number of participants is limited, early registration is recommended.