Sixteenth meeting, 13-15 June, 2007
The PAGE2007 meeting took place in the "Black Diamond", København (Copenhagen).
View of the Black Diamond. Courtesy of The Royal Library, København
The PAGE meeting was co-sponsored by NovoNordisk, Lundbeck, Ferring, Leo Pharma, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, MDS Pharma Services, Grünenthal, Quintiles, SimCYP, Novartis, BioSIM, Mango Solutions, Insightful, Pharsight and GSK.
The full program and all abstracts can be downloaded as a single Word document here.
PAGE meetings take place in an informal atmosphere with vivid scientific discussion. The meeting will start on Wednesday morning June 13 and will end at noon on Friday June 15. Two pre-PAGE events at the location of the PAGE meeting will be held on Tuesday June 12:
- A one day hands-on course in the use of stochastic differential equations for PK/PD modelling in NONMEM VI (click herefor the course description and information regarding participation fee etc.)
- A half-day afternoon satellite symposium on predictive modelling in drug development (click here for viewing the final program)
Please see below for registration to these two events.
Participants are encouraged to attend all conference days and present their work in the form of an oral presentation or poster. Participants are explicitly encouraged to contribute work on clinical applications and disease progression modelling. The Lewis Sheiner Student Session, the Stuart Beal Methodology Session, the Model Building Session and the Tutorial will be important parts of the program.
a) The Lewis Sheiner Student Session
The annual Lewis Sheiner Student Session was inaugurated, both to honour the memory of Lewis Sheiner and to highlight his lifetime passion for student education. Students who wish to be considered for this session should submit an extended abstract (equivalent to 2 pages of typed A4) of their intended presentation for the PAGE meeting. The submitted work must have been performed either as part of an MSc or PhD programme and/or will ultimately form part of a PhD thesis. Each year a rotating committee of three members, representative of the PAGE community, will judge who should receive the honour of presenting in the Lewis Sheiner Student Session. If elected, the student will automatically receive a PAGE-sponsored 300 euro travel grant. A permanent list of students, with links to their presentation, will be maintained on the web site.
b) The Stuart Beal Methodology Session
As a tribute to Stuart Beal, the organising committee has instituted the Stuart Beal Methodology Session. The organising committee will choose presenters from the abstracts submitted under the category "Oral presentation: Methodology".
c) The Model Building Session
This session is aimed at giving insight into and providing a basis for discussion on model building issues. Therefore, presentations should comprise analyses of real data sets with a focus on one or more model building issues. The intention is to generate a discussion forum to deal with real-life issues that may not have a solution yet. Potential participants will be selected by a screening committee from both oral and poster abstracts and contacted directly if considered eligible.
d) The Tutorial
This year's tutorial will be presented by Prof. Marc Buyse on Clinical and Surrogate Endpoints.
e) The Modelling Disease and Disease Progression Session
A special session will be organised on modelling disease and disease progression chaired by Dr. Nick Holford.
Registration Procedure
Registration is only possible at the PAGE website where you need to register for the meeting. Your personal details (address etc) are still available if you have registered at the PAGE website before. Please keep our database up to date by editing your existing profile if required! If you've forgotten your password, a reminder can be requested automatically from the website by e-mail. If you've forgotten your password and changed your e-mail address then please contact Rik Schoemaker (
). If you update your information, an automatic e-mail will be sent to you; if you do not receive this mail then please re-check your e-mail address. If you have never visited this website before, you need to fill in your personal details first and then log in again to register for the meeting.
Registration fees
Registration fees are 250 euro for participants from industry, 175 euro for academics and non-profit participants and 30 euro for students. Fees include coffee, tea and lunch on all days except Friday June 15, and admission to the social event. Accompanying persons can attend the social event for a fee of 100 euro.
Registration for satellite meetings
Registrations for the two satellite meetings on June 12 should be done at the local organiser’s web page (link), but only if you are not on the waiting list for the PAGE meeting.
Social events
The Welcome Reception at Copenhagen City Hall will take place on June 12th from 18:30 to 20:30 (for registered participants only). Doors will open at 18:00 and close at 18:30 sharp. The entrance to City Hall is from the City Hall Square (Rådhusplads; see map). The social event will take place Thursday evening June 14.
- Payment is by credit card (others: please contact NHG A/S at the contact details below)
Cancellation policy
- Cancellation before May 1 = Free of charge
- Cancellation before May 20 = 50% of charge
- Cancellation after May 20 = 100% of charge
Refunding will be executed after the meeting. Amounts less than 50 euro will not be refunded
To register, click on 'Register/submit abstract' under København, Denmark on the left hand-side menu. An e-mail will be sent to you confirming the submitted details. This e-mail will also provide the link to the local organisers' website to proceed with the payment of the registration fees and booking of hotel accommodation. Your registration is not final until you have completed the payment at the NHG website. A waiting list is available if registration exceeds current meeting capacity. Preference will be given to the waiting list if the organisers have not received payment by April 15, 2007.
Hotel reservation
A sufficiently large number of hotel rooms has been pre-booked by NHG A/S, the local organiser. Please use this link (also found in your confirmation e-mail) to visit their website to guide you to find accomodation.
Abstract Submission
In order to facilitate review of abstracts and to aid in a more structured presentation of posters, a number of categories has been created:
- Oral Presentation: Lewis Sheiner Student Session
- Oral Presentation: Applications
- Oral Presentation: Methodology
- Poster: Applications- Anti-infectives
- Poster: Applications- Biologicals/vaccines
- Poster: Applications- Coagulation
- Poster: Applications- CNS
- Poster: Applications- CVS
- Poster: Applications- Endocrine
- Poster: Applications- Oncology
- Poster: Applications- Other topics
- Poster: Methodology- Algorithms
- Poster: Methodology- Design
- Poster: Methodology- Model evaluation
- Poster: Methodology- PBPK
- Poster: Methodology- Other topics
- Software demonstration
A category should be selected when submitting the abstract. For abstract submission click on 'Register/submit abstract', log in if necessary and click the link on the bottom of your personal info page. Submission of abstracts is only possible online through this website. Please follow these instructions carefully or download them in either Word/RTF or Adobe/PDF format. Abstracts that do not comply will require re-submission. Upon submission of an abstract, an e-mail will be sent out to you with your abstract and a pdf of the HTML-code. This e-mail will also be sent to the committee responsible for peer review in the selected category and abstract-updates may be requested. Abstracts will remain invisible until release of the final program.
The size of the poster boards is 97cm wide and 240 cm high accommodating an A0-size portrait poster (84 cm x 119 cm).
Pharsight Student Sponsorship
Students who submit an abstract for a poster or oral presentation may apply for sponsorship (of up to 300 euro, depending on the total number of submissions) made possible by a kind donation from Pharsight, by sending an e-mail (after submitting an abstract) to Rik Schoemaker (
). The deadline for requesting sponsorship coincides with the deadline for abstract submission: 31 March 2007. Students that want to qualify for a sponsorship should require hotel accommodation for the meeting and should bring proof of their academic status (a letter from their supervisor), to be presented at registration for the meeting. Applications for this sponsorship should be limited to students who have no other funding source (e.g, industrial funds, professional societies).
Deadline for Lewis Sheiner Student Session abstracts: MARCH 15 2007
Deadline for regular abstracts: MARCH 31 2007
Deadline for requesting Pharsight Student Sponsorship: MARCH 31 2007
Deadline for payment of registration fees: APRIL 15 2007
Software Demonstrations
Software companies, Academic Software Application Developers and Contract Research Organisations are welcome to present their products and services during PAGE. Please contact our conference secretariat for further details
Conference secretariat
For matters related to the PAGE meeting:
Kamilla Buchberg Petersen

For payment of registration fees, hotel reservation, tourist information etc:
Vestregade 18
2605 Brøndby
Tel: +45 70 222 130 Fax: +45 70 222 140
E mail:
Att.: Martin Bakkemose
København (Copenhagen)
With its rich history full of historical buildings and ancient streets, its outstanding museums and galleries, the uniquely enchanting Tivoli Gardens and a resident monarchy that is the oldest in the world, the Danish capital has a host of attractions to suit all tastes. But this is no living museum. Copenhagen is a vibrant, modern city whose fascinating past coexists with the very latest trends in architecture, design and fashion. This is, after all, one of the world's great design capitals, a status that is reflected in its dynamic new buildings and stunning shops. Please visit the tourism site of Copenhagen to learn more (
How to reach København:
For information on how to reach Copenhagen please visit this site: (
By car
Copenhagen is easily reached by taking the highways E20, E47 or E55. Please note that parking opportunities are limited/expensive close to the conference location.
By plane
Copenhagen Airport (CPH; is located in Kastrup about 13 km south-east of the city centre. Beneath Terminal 3, which is where passengers arrive and pass through customs, there is a train station. From here there is a twelve minute train ride to the Copenhagen Central Station (Hovedbanegården). During the day these trains run regularly every ten minutes. Taxis are available in front of Terminal 3.
By train
You arrive at the Copenhagen Central Station (Hovedbanegården) if you come by train to Copenhagen. The Copenhagen Central Station is centrally located only five minutes walk from the City Hall Square and 15 minutes walk from the conference centre.
Conference Location
The Black Diamond (Den Sorte Diamant) (
Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1
City map showing the location of The Black Diamond (right circle) and City Hall for the welcome reception (left circle) (link)