A-01 Registration at the conference venue Tuesday 14:00-18:00 |
A-02 Opening ceremony and welcome reception Tuesday 19:30-21:00 |
B-01 Registration at the conference venue Wednesday 08:00-08:45 |
B-02 Welcome and Introduction Wednesday 08:45-09:00 |
B-03 Nigel Klein A biological perspective on immune response to drug treatment (intended and unintended effects) Wednesday 09:00-09:40 |
B-04 Hans Peter Grimm Intricate PK and PD for the novel immunocytokine CEA-IL2v and their pre-clinical to clinical translation Wednesday 09:40-10:00 |
B-05 Kirill Peskov Investigation of anti-CTLA-4 immuno-oncology therapy through a quantitative systems pharmacology model Wednesday 10:00-10:20 |
B-06 Coffee break, poster and software session I: posters in Group I (with poster numbers starting with I-) are accompanied by their presenter Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
B-07 Kapil Gadkar A Six-Stage Workflow for Robust Application of Systems Pharmacology Wednesday 11:40-12:00 |
B-08 Rob van Wijk The zebrafish as model for translational systems pharmacology: expanding the allometric scale in vertebrates with five orders of magnitude Wednesday 12:00-12:20 |
B-09 Lunch Wednesday 12:20-13:50 |
B-10 Shasha Jumbe Introduction to the Gates' Healthy Birth, Growth & Development knowledge integration project Wednesday 13:50-14:05 |
B-11 Louise Ryan Trajectory modelling based on early childhood longitudinal growth data Wednesday 14:05-14:45 |
B-12 Niclas Jonsson Determinants for physical growth patterns in low- and middle-income countries Wednesday 14:45-15:05 |
B-13 Nick Holford Announcement of WCoP 2016 Wednesday 15:05-15:10 |
B-14 Tea break, poster and software session II: posters in Group II (with poster numbers starting with II-) are accompanied by their presenter Wednesday 15:10-16:40 |
B-15 Mélanie Wilbaux Characterizing and Forecasting Individual Weight Changes in Term Neonates Wednesday 16:40-17:00 |
B-16 Nick Holford Growth and decline of body size and composition – Prediction of the transition from pre-diabetes to Type 2 diabetes in humans Wednesday 17:00-17:20 |
B-18 Tram Nguyen The paradox of highly effective sofosbuvir combo therapy despite slow viral decline Wednesday 17:40-18:00 |
B-19 Rik Schoemaker Extrapolation of a Brivaracetam Exposure-Response Model from Adults to Children Wednesday 18:00-18:20 |
B-20 Special surprise... Wednesday 18:30-18:50 |
C-01 Elin Svensson Bedaquiline's exposure-response relationship revealed through modeling of mycobacterial load Thursday 08:45-09:10 |
C-02 Solène Desmée Joint modelling for nonlinear longitudinal PSA kinetics and survival data in metastatic prostate cancer patients Thursday 09:10-09:35 |
C-03 Stein Schalkwijk A physiologically-based population pharmacokinetic analysis to assess a lower efavirenz dose of 400 mg once daily in HIV-infected pregnant women. Thursday 09:35-10:00 |
C-04 Presentation of Lewis Sheiner student session awards Thursday 10:00-10:05 |
C-05 Coffee break, poster and software session III: posters in Group III (with poster numbers starting with III-) are accompanied by their presenter Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
C-06 Matts Kågedal Time-to-Event Modeling of Peripheral Neuropathy – Platform Mega-Analysis of Eight vc-MMAE Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) Thursday 11:30-11:50 |
C-07 Lucy Hutchinson Mixed-effect modelling of transient tumour growth dynamics following anti-angiogenic therapy Thursday 11:50-12:10 |
C-08 Maria Luisa Sardu Modelling of classified individual tumor lesions in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients using delay differential equations. Thursday 12:10-12:30 |
C-09 Lunch Thursday 12:30-13:50 |
C-10 Robert Bauer An overview of Estimation-Maximization Algorithms Used in Population Analysis Methods Thursday 13:50-14:35 |
C-11 Brian Corrigan Announcement of ACoP7 Thursday 14:35-14:40 |
C-12 Tea break, poster and software session IV: posters in Group IV (with poster numbers starting with IV-) are accompanied by their presenter Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
C-13 Yevgen Ryeznik Adaptive dose finding for time-to-event outcomes with adaptive choice of patient number based on response rate Thursday 16:00-16:20 |
C-14 Sebastian Wicha A general pharmacodynamic interaction model based on the Bliss Independence criterion Thursday 16:20-16:40 |
C-15 Martin Fink Improving priors for human mAb linear PK parameters by using half-lives from pre-clinical studies Thursday 16:40-17:00 |
C-16 David McDougall The Impact of Model Selection for Personalised Dosing Thursday 17:00-17:20 |
C-17 Social event: Buses depart from the Conference Venue at 19:30 Thursday 20:00-01:00 |
D-01 Lutz Harnisch Modelling and simulation of neurological endpoints (modified Rankin Scale [mRS] and National Institute of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS]) to aid clinical trial design in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) Friday 09:00-09:20 |
D-02 Oliver Sander Model-based development of the secukinumab dosing regimen for the treatment of moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis Friday 09:20-09:40 |
D-03 Rasmus Juul Kildemoes Repeated time to event modelling of opioid consumption in postoperative pain Friday 09:40-10:00 |
D-04 Thu Thuy Nguyen Limited sampling strategy for a population pharmacokinetic modelling of cocktail of phenotyping drugs Friday 10:00-10:20 |
D-05 Preview of PAGE2017 Friday 10:20-10:30 |
D-06 Coffee break Friday 10:30-11:00 |
D-07 Sylvie Retout How disease modeling and model-based meta-analyses contributed to understanding the path forward after dose discontinuation of a Phase III study in Alzheimer's disease Friday 11:00-11:20 |
D-08 Marc Vandemeulebroecke A longitudinal Item Response Theory model to characterize cognition over time in elderly subjects Friday 11:20-11:40 |
D-09 Simon Buatois Utilizing the items from the MDS-UPDRS score to increase drug effect detection power in de novo idiopathic Parkinson's disease patients Friday 11:40-12:00 |
D-10 Closing remarks Friday 12:00-12:10 |
D-11 Audience input for potential PAGE2017 topics Friday 12:10-12:30 |
I-01 Thomas Dumortier Using extrapolation to support a pediatric investigational plan: an application in liver transplantation development Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-02 Mike Dunlavey A new language for complex ODE models Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-03 Sulav Duwal Top-down and Bottom-Up modelling approaches in Systems Pharmacology: Understanding clinical efficacy of NRTIs against HIV-1 Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-04 Lisa Ehmann Pharmacokinetics of meropenem in critically ill patients with varying renal function Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-05 Miro Eigenmann PBPK modeling approach to study the impact of lymph flow on the biodistribution of therapeutic antibodies Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-06 Raouf EL Cheikh A New Protocol for the Administration of Etoposide–Cisplatin in Metastatic Small Cell Lung Cancer Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-07 Yumi Yamamoto Development of a generic model for brain distributional pharmacokinetics and its translation to clinical data Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-08 Gregory Ferl Mechanistic model of amyloid beta (Aß) and anti-Aß mAb dynamics Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-09 Eric Fernandez Modelling and translating head and neck radiation therapy on all three levels: in vitro, in vivo and clinical Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-10 Natalie Filmann Comparing the individual and the population approach in fitting heterogeneous PK/PD data of patients with chronic hepatitis B after liver transplantation Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-11 Linda Franken Pharmacokinetics of midazolam and its metabolites in terminally ill adult patients Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-12 Jonathan French A case study in comparing cognitive development across populations Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-13 Nicolas Frey Model-based meta-analysis of amyloid plaque reduction in Alzheimer’s disease patients to identify new Phase 3 doses and dosing regimens for Gantenerumab Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-14 Aline Fuchs Simulations to simplify gentamicin dosing regimens for neonates and young infants when referral is not possible in developing countries Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-15 Saskia Fuhrmann Generic PBPK model to predict preclinical and clinical PK of antibodies Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-16 María García-Cremades A comparison of different model-based approaches to scale preclinical to clinical tumour growth inhibition in gemcitabine-treated pancreatic cancer Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-17 Peter Gennemark Unravelling the pharmacokinetic interaction of ticagrelor and MEDI2452 (ticagrelor-antidote) using mouse data Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-18 Eva Germovsek Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PKPD) modelling of meropenem in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in infants with late-onset sepsis and/or bacterial meningitis Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-19 Andy Gewitz PK/PD Modeling of Tuberculosis for Identification of Biomarkers Associated with Treatment Duration Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-20 Ekaterina Gibiansky Population Pharmacokinetic of Obinutuzumab (GA101) in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), Follicular Lymphoma (FL), Other Indolent Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (iNHL) Subtypes, Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL), and Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-21 Leonid Gibiansky vc-MMAE antibody-drug conjugates: a unified model describes pharmacokinetics of eight different compounds Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-22 Anais Glatard Influence of UGT2B7 polymorphism on varenicline clearance in a cohort of smokers from the general population Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-23 Britta Goebel Modeling & Simulation of Long-Term Body Weight Loss during Obesity Pharmacotherapy Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-24 Bojana Golubovic Population modelling of sirolimus data available from routine therapeutic drug monitoring Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-25 Ignacio Gonzalez-Garcia Assessment of in vitro dissolution specifications based on an IVIVC and in vivo bioequivalence criteria Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-26 Verena Gotta Characterizing age-dependency of cytokine levels in healthy children Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-27 Gopichand Gottipati Item Response Modeling to Leverage Data from Historical Parkinson’s Disease Trials while Integrating Data from a Newer Version of the Clinical Endpoint Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-28 Sebastiaan Goulooze Monte-Carlo simulations of sunitinib therapeutic drug monitoring in patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumours. Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-29 Sylvain Goutelle A nonparametric, multiple-model approach to optimize initial dosing and attainment of a target exposure interval: application to busulfan in pediatrics Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-30 Joachim Grevel Exposure-response analysis for efficacy and safety of sorafenib in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-31 Monia Guidi Population pharmacokinetic analysis of the IAPs antagonist Debio 1143 and its major metabolite in oncologic patients Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-32 Elham Haem Adjusted adaptive lasso for covariate model building in nonlinear mixed effects models Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-34 Janelle Hajjar Modeling Duchenne muscular dystrophy disease progression as assessed by the 6-minute walk test Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-35 Nayoung Han Dose estimation based on population pharmacokinetic/pharmacogenetic modeling for enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium in kidney transplant recipients Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-36 Nina Hanke Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Rifampin Drug-Drug Interactions with Midazolam and Digoxin Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-37 Fangran Hao Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling of the anti-tumor effect of sunitinib combined with dopamine in the human non-small cell lung cancer xenograft Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-38 Paul Healy Model-based dose selection of tocilizumab for the prevention of reperfusion injury. Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-39 Michael Heathman A Categorical Time Course PKPD Model Describing the Effect of Ixekizumab on Improvement from Baseline in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score in Patients with Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-40 Andrea Henrich PK/PD model extension to characterise bone marrow exhaustion in cancer patient making use of a prior paclitaxel PK model Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-41 Christoph Hethey Impact of the intracellular ribosomal concentration on in vitro bacterial growth kinetics and the antibacterial effect of linezolid on S. aureus in time-kill assays Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-42 Jennifer Hibma Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of the Effect of Inotuzumab Ozogamicin on QT Intervals in ALL and NHL Patients Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-43 Eef Hoeben Viral Kinetic Modeling of HCV RNA Decline during Treatment with Simeprevir in Combination with Sofosbuvir Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-44 Christian Hollensen Estimation of random variance in NONMEM using different approaches Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-45 Xiao Hu Population pharmacokinetic analysis of fampridine in Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis in a Phase 3 study Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-47 Stephen Duffull The influence of parameterisation on local identifiability Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-48 Manuel Ibarra Pharmacokinetic characterization of naphtalophos in lambs by modelling blood acetylcholinesterase activity, a K-PD model Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-49 Moustafa M. A. Ibrahim Importance of hot glucose for the integrated glucose-insulin minimal model Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-50 Diane-Charlotte Imbs Modeling and simulation for improving the efficacy of the combination between antiangiogenic and chemotherapy in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-51 Itziar Irurzun-Arana Attractor analysis of Boolean models for Systems Pharmacology Networks Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-52 Swati Jaiswal Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic modeling of miltefosine in Leishmania donovani infected Golden Syrian Hamsters Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-53 Masoud Jamei Time variation in the fractional contribution of an enzyme to elimination of a victim drug can explain differences in DDI susceptibility following single and multiple dosing Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-54 Félix Jaminion Use of a drug-drug interaction study with itraconazole to quantify the effects of an NME on QT interval duration Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-55 Carl Johansson Omeprazole dose recommendation in pediatric patients aged 1-11 months with erosive esophagitis Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-56 Jong Bong Lee Predicted versus experimental permeability data for incorporation into GastroPlus™ for modelling and simulations Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-57 Daniel Jonker Personalized dosing of a novel recombinant human FSH, follitropin delta, based on individual patient characteristics Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-58 Marija Jovanovic Population pharmacokinetic model of topiramate and its major metabolite in adult epileptic patients Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-59 Matts Kågedal Selection of exposure metrics AUC, Cmax or Cmin in exposure response analyses – a simulation study. Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-60 Tatiana Karelina Clinical trial simulation and hypothesis testing using amyloid pathology longitudinal translational model Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-61 Anhye Kim Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacoynamic Models to evaluate the positive and delayed effect of escitalopram on QT prolongation Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-62 Anke Kip Population pharmacokinetics of plasma and intracellular miltefosine concentrations in cutaneous leishmaniasis patients Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-63 Lena Klopp-Schulze Tamoxifen and endoxifen pharmacokinetics: Exploration of differences in model performance using simulations Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-64 Katrine Knøsgaard A model-based approach for joint analysis of pain intensity and opioid consumption in postoperative pain Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-65 Gilbert Koch Facilitate treatment adjustment after accidental overdosing: pharmacometric modelling to support clinical practice Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-66 Anders Kristoffersson Design and Interim Evaluation of a Sparse Sampling Schedule for Estimation of Individual Colistin Pharmacokinetics Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-67 Anne Kuemmel PECAN, a Shiny application for calculating confidence and prediction intervals for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-68 Manish Kumar Elucidating metabolic variations in gut microbiota during health and malnutrition based on genome scale metabolic modeling approach Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-69 Max Lagraauw A population disease progression model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – Results of the Treeway Summer Challenge 2015 Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-70 Laure Lalande Mathematical modeling and systems pharmacology of tuberculosis therapy with isoniazid Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-71 Silvia Maria Lavezzi Structural and practical identifiability of some mPBPK-TMDD models Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-72 Jean Lavigne Modeling and simulation of smear count after administration of Eurartesim® (piperaquine (PQ) tetraphosphate/dihydroartemisinin (DHA)) in infected patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-73 Mary Lavy Population Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Pharmacodynamics (PD) of Natalizumab in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
I-74 Robert Leary An Improved Framework for Shrinkage Computations in NLME Population Models Wednesday 10:20-11:40 |
II-01 Khaled Abduljalil Simcyp Simulator within the DDMoRe Interoperability Framework – Proof of Concept Cases Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-02 João Abrantes Population pharmacokinetic analysis of factor VIII activity following treatment with moroctocog alfa in moderate to severe haemophilia A subjects Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-03 Malidi Ahamadi Population exposure –response analysis of “On-Off” time in Individuals with Parkinson Disease following Preladenant Treatment Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-04 Maurice Ahsman Modelling and simulation of oral GnRH Antagonist TAK-385 and testosterone-lowering response in Prostate Cancer Patients to Optimize Trial Design and Dose Selection Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-05 Sihem Bihorel A plateform PK/PD Model for Antibody Drug Conjugates Induced Myelosuppression Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-06 Ali Mohamed Ali Population pharmacokinetics of the amodiaquine: pooling data across different studies to optimize dosing in neglected populations Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-07 Hesham Al-Sallami Redefining normal variability of drug disposition Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-08 Silvana Alvariza Autoinduction of phenytoin hepatobiliary secretion as a mechanism for its nonlinear pharmacokinetics Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-09 Claire Ambery Balancing efficacy and risk: A case study of Phase 2 dose selection for an anti-inflammatory drug Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-10 Yasunori Aoki Model Averaging and Selection methods for model structure and parameter uncertainty quantification Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-11 Manel Aouri Population pharmacokinetics analysis of dolutegravir in HIV-1 infected individuals Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-12 Hyun-moon Back Development of QT prolongation model in guinea pig with hERG assay-in vivo PK- in-vivo QT effect to guide decision making in early drug discovery Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-13 Suruchi Bakshi Explaining the unexpected multi-stationarity in a nonlinear model of prolactin response to dopamine D2 receptor antagonists Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-14 Violeta Balbas-Martinez Target evaluation for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) using a Systems Pharmacology model Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-15 Kathryn Ball Prediction of food effect in the Chinese population using a PBPK model developed in a Caucasian population Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-16 Catalina Barceló Population pharmacokinetics analysis of elvitegravir and cobicistat in HIV-1 infected individuals Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-17 Charlotte Barker Simultaneous modelling of antimicrobial pharmacokinetic data from birth to adolescence: using different penicillins to inform a common maturation function Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-18 Ana Bastos Using modeling and simulation to design and evaluate dosing strategies for temocillin in haemodialysis patients Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-19 Levy Batista Mixed-effects ARX model identification of dynamical systems Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-20 Brendan Bender An integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling analysis of T-DM1–induced thrombocytopenia and hepatotoxicity in patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-21 Andrzej Bienczak Semi-physiological pharmacokinetic/pharmacogenetic model with circadian rhythm for the characterisation of nevirapine pharmacokinetics in African children. Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-22 Roberto Bizzotto Mixed-effect deconvolution: a new method applied to oral paracetamol absorption Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-23 Henrik Bjugård Nyberg Dismounting Saddles on the Likelihood Surface Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-24 Dimitra Bon PK-PD-VK modeling for hepatitis C treatment with the CI and Generalized multiscale model. Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-25 Charlotte Bon A target mediated cellular uptake model to assess the asialogycoprotein receptor shuttle capacity in hepatocytes Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-26 Irina Bondareva External validation and predictability of nonlinear models for changes in steady–state pharmacokinetics (PK) of carbamazepine (CBZ) and valproate (VPA) due to antiepileptic drug-drug interactions using sparse therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) data Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-27 Jennifer Bonner Building of virtual geriatric cancer populations for physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modelling and simulation in cancer patients greater than 70 years of age Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-28 Elisa Borella Development and integration of the WinBUGS connector in the DDMoRe Interoperability Framework Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-29 Agnieszka Borsuk-De Moor Population pharmacokinetics of sufentanil after epidural and intravenous administration in children and infants Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-30 Margreke Brill Confirming model-predicted pharmacokinetic interactions between bedaquiline and lopinavir/ritonavir or nevirapine in patients with HIV and drug resistant tuberculosis Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-31 Hannah Britz Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling of the Dronedarone Drug-Drug Interaction with Digoxin Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-32 Jantine Brussee Predictive performance of a CRP and organ failure based pharmacokinetic model for midazolam in critically ill children across external datasets in neonates, children and adults Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-33 Vincent Buchheit Added value of the Data Scientist role in a Clinical Pharmacometric group Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-34 Charles Burdet Joint modeling of plasma and fecal moxifloxacin pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-35 Elisa Calvier Allometric scaling of clearance in paediatrics: when does the magic of 0.75 fade? Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-36 Tim Cardilin Extending the Tumor Static Concentration curve to average doses – a combination therapy example using radiation therapy Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-37 Luzelena Caro Population Pharmacokinetics Modeling Characterizes the Higher Grazoprevir Exposure in Japanese Compared to Non-Japanese HCV-Infected Patients Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-38 Letizia Carrara Methods and tools for multiscale modelling in Systems Pharmacology: a review Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-39 Jason Cawley Competitive brain and body growth model Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-40 Pascal Chanu A model to predict progression free survival in patients with previously untreated HER2-positive progressive or recurrent locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer based on tumor growth inhibition metrics Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-41 Aziz Chaouch Building up a posteriori percentiles for Therapeutic Drug Concentration Monitoring Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-42 Jonathan Chard Pharmacometrics workflow: standards for provenance capture and workflow definition Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-43 Christophe Chassagnole Modelling the Emergence of Resistance to Chemotherapeutics with Virtual Tumour Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-44 Chunli Chen Assessment of Pharmacodynamic Interactions in the Mycobacteria Tuberculosis Infected Mouse using The Multistate Tuberculosis Pharmacometric Model and the General Pharmacodynamic Interaction Model Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-45 Charles Chen Comparison of Recursive Partitioning Analysis and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Analysis for Patient Identification Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-46 Maxwell Chirehwa Semi-mechanistic pharmacokinetic model for Isoniazid and Acetyl isoniazid in a cohort of TB/HIV co-infected patients Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-47 Hyewon Chung Population pharmacokinetics of F-ara-A after fludarabine administration in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-48 Laurent Claret A model to predict progression-free survival in patients with renal cell carcinoma based on week 8 change in tumor size Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-49 Yumi Cleary Physiologically –based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) and population PK (PPK) modeling for basimglurant - assessment of predicted variability by the PBPK model and its utility Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-50 Oskar Clewe Pre-clinical Susceptibility Characterization and Pharmacodynamic Interaction Assessment Using the Multistate Tuberculosis Pharmacometric Model Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-51 Pieter Colin Propofol breath monitoring as a potential tool to improve the prediction of intraoperative plasma concentrations Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-52 Emmanuelle Comets Operational characteristics of saemix, an R package implementing the SAEM algorithm Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-53 Valerie Cosson Amyloid related imaging abnormalities (ARIA): Time to event modeling to identify new Phase 3 doses and dosing regimens for Gantenerumab Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-54 Sinziana Cristea Maturation of Glomerular Filtration throughout the paediatric age-range; a comparison of different functions Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-55 Damien Cronier PK/PD Modeling of Overall and Progression-Free Survival in Advanced Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patients Treated With Olaratumab in Combination with Doxorubicin. Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-56 Salvatore D'Agate Optimisation of weight-banded dosing regimens of amoxicillin in neonates and young infants with sepsis Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-57 André Dallmann Validation of a Population Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Pregnant Women Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-58 Fabrizia D'Antonio Effect of psychotic subtypes on cognitive trajectories in Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative ADNI2. Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-59 Pieter De Cock piperacillin-tazobactam pharmacokinetics in critically ill children: implications on adequate dosing regimens Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-60 Miné De Kock Pharmacokinetics of Sulfadoxine and Pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during Pregnancy and after delivery. Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-61 Bernardo de Miguel Lillo Modeling the dynamics of alanine aminotransferase in advanced cancer patients treated with kahalalide F Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-62 Mailys De Sousa Mendes A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for a drug metabolized by several CYP450 during pregnancy Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-63 Aurelia de Vries Schultink Pharmacokinetics of MCLA-128 in cynomolgus monkeys and extrapolation to humans to support selection of first-in-human dose Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-64 Brenda de Winter Pharmacokinetics of Pentobarbital in Pediatric Status Epilepticus Patients Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-65 Wilbert de Witte High drug-target association rates increase the duration of in vivo target occupancy Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-66 Amelia Deitchman Tetracycline against Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modeling of In Vitro Time-Kill Curves Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-67 Laurence Del Frari Predicting human pharmacokinetics of monoclonal antibodies by allometric translation from preclinical data: a case study Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-68 Ivan Demin Guidance on dose-finding studies for biostatisticians and pharmacometricians: a Pharmacometrics perspective Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-69 Paolo Denti Population Pharmacokinetics of Levofloxacin in South African children. Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-70 Christiane Dings Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Acetylsalicylic Acid and its Major Metabolite Salicylic Acid Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-72 Thomas Dorlo Translational PKPD modeling framework to assess the predictive performance of a preclinical visceral leishmaniasis hamster model Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-73 Anne-Gaelle Dosne Robust QT prolongation assessment using model-averaging Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-74 Erwin Dreesen Anti-drug antibodies, low serum albumin and high C-reactive protein increase infliximab clearance in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a population pharmacokinetic study of the TAXIT trial Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-75 Stefanie Drescher An Integrated Model for Glucose and Insulin Regulation in Bariatric Surgery Patients following Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-76 Hélder Duarte Amikacin in premature newborn: a new therapeutic proposal from a PopPK model Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
II-77 Vincent Dubois Joint modelling of pain intensity and informative dropout in moderate to severe chronic pain patients Wednesday 15:10-16:30 |
III-01 Giulia Lestini Model-based optimal robust design in pharmacometrics Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-02 Lia Liefaard Mixed effects modelling of dose-response cough count data Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-03 Andreas Lindauer Time-to-seizure modeling of the antiepileptic drug lacosamide used in monotherapy Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-04 Ling Xue Theory based PK-PD of S- and R-warfarin: influence of body size, composition and genotype Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-05 Jesmin Lohy Das Population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modelling of emerging artemisinin resistance in Southern Myanmar Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-06 Kurt Long Identification of causal pathways determining the relationship between pathogen-specific infection and impaired growth among children < 59 months in Mirzapur, Bangladesh Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-07 Dominik Lott Population pharmacokinetics of the selective S1P1 receptor modulator ponesimod Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-08 Gaohua Lu A Novel Mechanistic Approach to Predict the Steady State Volume of Distribution (Vss) using the Fick-Nernst-Planck Equation Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-09 Sreenath M Krishnan Population modeling of uni- and three- dimensional and density-based tumor measurements in gastro-intestinal stromal tumor (GIST) patients treated with imatinib Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-10 Vincent Madelain Favipiravir pharmacokinetics in non-human primates: insights for future efficacy studies against hemorrhagic fever viruses Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-11 Mats Magnusson Population PKPD Analysis of CD4 and ACR Response after SC Administration of Tregalizumab to Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-12 Adedeji Majekodunmi Mechanistic modelling of naive CD4+ T cell homeostasis in HIV-infected children on anti-retroviral therapy Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-13 Victor Mangas-Sanjuan Exploring Inter-study variability in the context of modeling unperturbed xenograft data Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-14 Vikash Mansinghka BayesDB Marcro Indicator Explorer ensemble models for growth outcome country phenotyping Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-15 Ben Margetts Modelling Severe Human Cytomegalovirus Infections in an Immunocompromised Paediatric Patient Population Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-16 Amelie Marsot Population pharmacokinetic model of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis occasional smokers Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-17 Lisa Martial Population PK model and pharmacokinetic target attainment of micafungin in ICU patients Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-18 Emma Martin Modelling based methods to account for dropout in xenograft experiments Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-19 Jean-Marie Martinez Modelling and simulation of alirocumab – Part 1: Population pharmacokinetic analysis using a Michaelis-Menten approximation of the target-mediated drug disposition model Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-20 Paolo Mazzei Population exposure-response modeling of oral nepadutant administration in infants with colic Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-21 Litaty Céphanoée Mbatchi Pharmacokinetics modelling of temsirolimus and its active metabolite Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-22 Johanna Melin Semi-mechanistic modelling of the nonlinear hydrocortisone pharmacokinetics to enable extrapolation into paediatric patients Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-23 Evgeny Metelkin Development of immune responce template forsystems pharmacology modeling of immunotherapy in oncology Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-24 Jonathan Mochel Pharmacodynamics of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system and blood pressure in relation to food intake in dogs Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-25 Shuhua Hu Use of interim analysis to improve efficiency of clinical trial simulations in treatment comparison trial design studies Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-26 Pablo Morentin Gutierrez A population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for AZD7687: Effects on plasma triacylglycerol after oral lipid tolerance test Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-27 Michael Morimoto A quantitative physiologic model of the interaction of nutrition and infection in determining the energy available for growth Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-28 Samer Mouksassi Primary microcephaly: do all roads lead to Rome? Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-29 Morris Muliaditan Prediction of the exposure of anti-tuberculosis drugs in lung tissue: implications for dose selection Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-30 Zufar Muliukov Modeling the effect of ranibizumab on central retinal thickness in patients with wet age-related macular degeneration Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-31 Silke Gastine Population Pharmacokinetics of Voriconazole in pediatric cancer patients - assessing new dosing strategies Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-32 C.J. Musante The International Society of Pharmacometrics’ Special Interest Group on Quantitative Systems Pharmacology: Developing a community and advancing a field Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-33 Karin Nelander Longitudinal dose-response modelling as primary analysis of a clinical study Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-34 Xavier Nicolas Modelling and simulation of alirocumab - Part 2: Population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic analysis using an indirect response model to link drug concentrations with LDL-C Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-35 Jaeseong Oh Simultaneous population pharmacokinetic analysis of VVZ-149 and its active metabolite in healthy volunteers Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-36 Boram Ohk Population Pharmacokinetic modeling of Tacrolimus in Healthy Korean Subjects Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-37 Andrés Olivares-Morales Combining population with physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models for oral drug absorption: Predicting the segmental bioavailability differences of R-oxybutynin and its main metabolite using a middle out approach. Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-38 Per Olsson Gisleskog Predicting the effects of combining broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNabs) binding to different HIV viral epitopes Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-39 Mohamed Omari Modelling of glucose-insulin metabolism and its effect on the estrous cycle in bovine Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-40 Sean Oosterholt Model-based extrapolation and dosing recommendation for raxibacumab in children from birth to <18 years of age Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-41 Stine Timmermann Ottesen Analysing the contribution to receptor occupancy from active metabolites Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-42 - - Delineation of the treatment effect of methotrexate when used in combination therapy for rheumatoid arthritis Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-43 Theodoros Papathanasiou Population modelling of the synergistic effects of morphine and gabapentin in the rat: a response surface approach Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-44 Zinnia Parra-Guillen Pharmacokinetic analysis of midazolam and caffeine as probe drugs for cytochrome phenotyping in erlotinib treatment Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-45 Sophie Peigné Optimal design in the analysis of a clinical study in paediatric population Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-46 Nathalie Perdaems PK/PD modelling: a usefull tool to train people to better design in vivo chronic study in ob/ob mice Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-47 Belén Pérez Solans Markov model for tumor shrinkage effects of combination therapy in non-metastatic gastric cancer patients Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-48 Alejandro Pérez-Pitarch Empagliflozin as Adjunct to Insulin in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Modelling Rate and Severity of Hypoglycemic Events Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-49 Carlos Perez-Ruixo Population pharmacokinetics and antiviral efficacy in neonatal lambs: evidence of rapid maturation and auto-induction drug effect in metabolic clearance Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-50 Caroline Petit Early phase dose-finding designs for bridging studies in pediatrics Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-51 Séverine Petitprez Population pharmacokinetic meta-analysis of seven antiretroviral drugs Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-52 Tatiana Petukhova Population PK modeling of RPH-104, novel optimized IL-1 beta trap, and assessment of the immunogenicity effect on pharmacokinetics Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-53 Thomas Peyret A mechanistic maternal-fetal growth energy budget model Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-54 Kimba Eddy Phongi Population Pharmacokinetics of the Novel Antimalarial OZ439 Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-55 Chiara Piana A novel model-based methodology for the evaluation of abuse potential Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-56 Philippe Pierrillas From mouse to human: comparison of interspecies translational strategies using integrative semi-mechanistic PK-PD models and PBPK-PD modeling to forecast efficacious clinical dose Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-57 Teun Post Application of a Shiny Workflow in Cardiovascular Effects Evaluations Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-58 Manuel Prado-Velasco Bridging the gap between open and specialized modelling tools in PBPK/PK/PD with PhysPK/EcosimPro modelling system: PBPK model of methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurine in humans with focus in reusability and multilevel modelling features Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-59 Tim Preijers In silico evaluation of limited blood sampling strategies for individualized recombinant factor IX prophylaxis in hemophilia B patients Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-60 Claire Pressiat Population pharmacokinetics of cotrimoxazole In West African HIV-infected children Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-61 Angelica Quartino Comparisons of Multiple Exposure-Response Methodologies in Oncology Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-62 Rachel Rose Development of a novel multi-compartment granuloma model to predict local drug distribution and its impact on pharmacodynamics and disease progression in tuberculosis. Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-63 Christian Radke Development of a PBPK approach to predict the pharmacokinetics in patients with sepsis Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-64 Christian Hove Claussen Automated modeling workflow with LaTeX: using the new Pfizer Report Tool Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-65 Isabel Reinecke Changes in endogenous estradiol concentrations explain fluctuations in levonorgestrel (LNG) concentrations during continuous treatment with LNG releasing intravaginal rings Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-66 Su-jin Rhee A population pharmacokinetic analysis of levetiracetam in patients with epilepsy Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-67 Sophie Rhodes Previous BCG vaccination associated with variation in Mycobacterial-specific immune response: a modelling study Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-68 Jakob Ribbing Predicting reductions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations from FEV1 – A model-based meta-analysis of literature data from controlled randomized clinical trials Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-69 Camille Riff First population pharmacokinetic model of lidocaine tumescent anaesthesia in women undergoing breast cancer surgery Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-70 Clémence Rigaux Parasitemia clearance modeling following Ferroquine administration in P. Falciparum infected patients Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-71 Christelle Rodrigues Population pharmacokinetics of oxcarbazepine and its 10-monohydroxy derivative in epileptic children Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-72 Stefan Roepcke Model-based analysis of monkey PK and PD data of a therapeutic cell depleting human monoclonal antibody – Preparing for clinical trials Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-73 Amit Roy Evaluating effectiveness of case-matching for exposure-response analysis Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-74 Yue Ruan Bayesian hierarchical model of glucose-insulin regulation over 12-week home use of closed-loop insulin delivery Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-75 Muhammad Waqas Sadiq Acute tolerance and rebound modelling with competitive interaction of mineralcorticoid driven urinary sodium excretion effects in the rat Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
III-76 Richard Pugh Data Science & Big Data: An Opportunity or a threat for Pharmacometrics? Thursday 10:05-11:30 |
IV-01 Nikita Sakhanenko New information-theory-based methods in the analysis of childhood development data Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-03 Celine Sarr Capacities of NPDE, VPC and pvcVPC at detecting model misspecification: a simulation study of a PK model showed no apparent difference Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-04 Nina Scherer Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Alirocumab and Evolocumab, two fully human monoclonal antibodies targeting PCSK9 Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-05 Emilie Schindler PK-PD modeling of VEGF, sVEGFR-1, sVEGFR-2, sVEGFR-3 and tumor size as predictors of overall survival in axitinib-treated metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-06 Johannes Schropp Development and implementation of drug-drug interaction mechanisms with target-mediated drug disposition Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-07 Partho Sen Identification of foods with optimal nutritional value through data mining. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-08 Ben Small Changes in liver volume – a population-based approach to meta-analysis of paediatric, adult and geriatric populations Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-09 Kevin Smart Modeling tumor size time course in platinum resistant/refractory ovarian cancer patients treated with vanucizumab Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-10 Mike K Smith Model Description Language (MDL) - a standard for model communication and interoperability Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-11 Victor Sokolov A mechanistic PKPD model relating early asthmatic response to anti-leukotriene drug PK and biomarker levels in allergen challenge studies Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-12 Byungjeong Song Application of different methodologies to explain the pharmacokinetic variabilities in pregnant women: Case study of Sulindac usage Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-13 Amaia Soraluce Population pharmacokinetics of linezolid in critically ill patients and treatment probability of target attainment Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-14 Konstantina Soulele A population pharmacokinetic study of salmeterol in asthmatic patients using two dry powder inhalers Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-15 Spyros Stamatelos High-Resolution Image-based Computational Modeling of Breast Tumor Microvasculature Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-16 Oleg Stepanov A quantitative systems pharmacology model to explore combination efficacy of immuno-oncology compounds: Effects of CXCR2 and PD-1 inhibitions Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-17 M. Elena Suarez Gonzalez How delayed or missed doses influence efficacy of amoxicillin in outpatients with community-acquired pneumonia: A pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic simulation analysis Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-18 Siddharth Sukumaran A quantitative systems pharmacology model for evaluating potential drugs for treatment of asthma Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-19 Robin Svensson Population pharmacokinetic modeling to assess the non-linear increase in exposure following increasing doses of rifampicin Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-20 Eva Sverrisdottir Pharmacokinetic Metamodel of Morphine and Morphine-6-Glucuronide in Neonates and Adults Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-21 Maciej Swat PharmML & SO - standards for encoding models and results in PMX and QSP Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-22 Tatiana Yakovleva A systems pharmacology model of SGLT2 and SGLT1 inhibition to understand mechanism and quantification of urinary glucose excretion after treatment with Dapagliflozin, Canagliflozin and Empagliflozin Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-23 Paulo Teixeira The Effect of Anthropometric Covariates on Clearance of Valproic Acid. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-24 Rob ter Heine The influence of erythrocyte accumulation on everolimus pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in cancer patients Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-25 Adrien Tessier Population Pharmacokinetic modelling and Pharmacogenetic analysis through a penalised regression approach for a molecule S Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-26 Donato Teutonico Whole-body PBPK/PD modelling of ciprofloxacin and its anti-bacterial activity Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-27 Hoai-Thu Thai Model-based drug development to support isatuximab dosing regimen selection in Phase II multiple myeloma patients Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-28 Anders Thorsted Toxicokinetics of Endotoxin and its Induction of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines Tumor Necrosis Factor a and Interleukin-6 Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-29 Yingying Tian Population pharmacokinetic analysis of everolimus in patients with solid tumors Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-30 Huybrecht T'jollyn Pharmacokinetics of galantamine in plasma and brain for different intranasal formulations: an experimental in vivo study Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-31 Michel Tod Comparison of the mechanistic static in vivo approach to a PBPK approach for prediction of metabolic drug-drug interactions. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-32 Bruna Gaelzer Silva Torres Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Ciprofloxacin Free Lung Concentrations in Healthy and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Infected Wistar Rats Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-33 Elena Tosca Evaluation of a PK/PD DEB-based model for tumor-in-host growth kinetics under anticancer treatment Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-34 Mira Tout Rituximab target-mediated elimination is influenced by both baseline antigenic burden and FCGR3A polymorphism in chronic lymphocytic leukemia Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-35 Mirjam Trame Development of a Mechanism Based Platform to Predict Cardiac Contractility and Hemodynamics in Conscious Dogs Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-36 Iñaki F. Trocóniz Markov Model for Lithium Compliance Assessment Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-37 Max Tsai Modelling of Pharmacokinetics and the Incidence of Adverse Events of the PDE-10A Inhibitor TAK-063 Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-38 Ken-ichi Umehara Assessment of DDI potential of ruxolitinib (INC424), a dual substrate of CYP3A4 and CYP2C9, using a verified PBPK model to support submissions to Health Authorities Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-39 Moreno Ursino Evaluating phase I studies in small populations when incorporating pharmacokinetic information Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-40 Muhammad Usman Population Pharmacokinetics of Meropenem in Elderly Patients: Dosing simulations based on Renal Function Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-41 Vladimir Vainstein Dose translation of a hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome protection agent (recombinant human Interleukin-12) to humans. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-42 Pyry Välitalo A mathematical method assessing the informativeness of total test score on the basis of an item response theory model: A case study on pain in children Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-43 Willem van den Brink Finding underlying longitudinal patterns in pharmaco-metabolomics data Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-44 Sven van Dijkman Differentiation between Parkinson’s and Parkinson’s-like patients in MDS-UPDRS-based diagnosis Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-45 Tamara van Donge Evaluating biosimilarity of monoclonal antibodies: comparison of population approach nonlinear mixed effects models to standard non-compartmental analysis Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-46 Michiel Van Esdonk Development of a semi-population deconvolution method for the analysis of growth hormone profiles Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-47 Coen van Hasselt The proof is in the pee: Population asparagus urinary odor kinetics. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-49 Swantje Völler Dose Recommendations for Recombinant Asparaginase in Children: A Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-50 Max von Kleist Systems pharmacology pipeline to assess NRTI-efficacy for repurposing as pre-exposure prophylactic compounds against HIV-1 infection Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-51 Camille Vong Population Pharmacokinetics of Tofacitinib in Induction Studies for Moderate-to-Severe Ulcerative Colitis Patients Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-52 Veronika Voronova Investigation of the diabetes-related metabolic memory phenomenon using a quantitative systems pharmacology approach Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-53 Ulrika Wählby Hamrén Pharmacokinetics of the inhaled selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator AZD5423 following inhalation using different devices Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-55 Siyuan Wang An integrated PK/PD model to link the frequency of cancer-stem-like cells to tumor volume for sunitinib combined with dopamine in the treatment of drug-resistant breast cancer Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-56 Sebastian Weber Modeling Recurrent Safety Events in Drug Combinations using a Time-Varying Poisson Process Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-57 Janak Wedagedera Investigating the Importance of Considering Inter-correlations of Cytochrome P450 Enzyme Abundances in Human Liver When Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-58 Gustaf Wellhagen Carbohydrate intake contribution to HbA1c Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-59 Thomas Wendl Computational Modelling of Personalized Hemodynamic Response to Valve Replacement Surgery in Heart Failure Patients Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-60 Pawel Wiczling A Bayesian approach for population pharmacokinetic modeling of dexmedetomidine during long-term infusion in critically ill pediatric patients. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-61 Rixt Wijma Population pharmacokinetics of meropenem during intermittent and continuous infusion in healthy volunteers Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-62 Jayson Wilbur Zika microcephaly cutoffs revisited: A study of Non-parametric methods in fetal growth Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-63 Julia Winkler Population pharmacokinetics of lacosamide to support intravenous dose adaptation in children with epilepsy Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-64 Jan-Georg Wojtyniak A cancer cell cycle model to predict effects of combination therapy and different dosing schedules on cell cycle, tumor growth and therapy outcome Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-65 Dan Wright A population pharmacokinetic model for 51Cr EDTA, an isotopic biomarker for renal function: impact on carboplatin dosing. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-66 Xia Li Population pharmacokinetics of multiple oral doses of alcohol in humans using blood and breath measures Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-67 Gulbeyaz Yildiz Turkyilmaz Investigating the ability of population PK models to characterize secondary exposure parameters Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-68 Younghoon Yoo Pharmacokinetic Model for subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab in Rabbits. Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-69 Seonghae Yoon Population pharmacokinetic analysis of oxcarbazepine in patients with epilepsy Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-70 Huixin Yu Development of a pharmacokinetic model for pazopanib – a tyrosine kinase inhibitor used for the treatment of solid tumours Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-71 Jurij Aguiar Zdovc Pharmacokinetics of vancomycin in intensive-care patients Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-72 Fan Zhang Population pharmacokinetic modeling of lamotrigine in Chinese subjects Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-74 Meng Zhaoling Program-wise trial simulation assessing design and analysis options from proof of concept to dose ranging Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-75 Chenguang Zhou Semi-mechanistic multiple-analyte pharmacokinetic model for a THIOMAB antibiotic conjugate against Staphylococcus aureus in mouse, rat and monkey Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-76 Li Zhu Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Ulocuplumab, an anti-CXCR4 Monoclonal Antibody in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Multiple Myeloma Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-77 Kirill Zhudenkov A Markov Chain model to characterize cataract progression and disease burden in the Russian Federation Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
IV-78 Jochen Zisowsky A Method to Perform PK-QT Analyses When Several Active Compounds or Metabolites Are Present Thursday 14:40-16:00 |
S-01 Harling Kajsa PsN and Xpose During entire meeting |
S-02 Gaohua Lu Simcyp Simulator During entire meeting |
S-03 William Knebel Metworx: high-performance cloud computing made simple During entire meeting |
S-04 Robert Bauer NONMEM® 7.3 and 7.4 and PDx-Pop® 5.2 During entire meeting |
S-05 Thomas Eissing PK-Sim and MoBi for PBPK and Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Modeling and Simulation During entire meeting |
S-06 Michael Buchecker IMPROVE – MODELING AND SIMULATION PLATFORM During entire meeting |
S-07 Will Haese-Hill BAST: Clinical Trial Simulator and Service Supermarket During entire meeting |
S-08 Beatrice Attered Reproducible Reporting During entire meeting |