Technology Roadmap to Support Model Based Drug Development
Hugh McDevitt, Martin Spendiff, Henning Schmidt, David A James, Vincent Buchheit
Modeling and simulation has become firmly established over the last decade in the pharmaceutical development sector of the industry with most organizations establishing modeling and simulation groups. To support these groups highly specialized computing services are required that provide the required computational power but at the same time will stand up to regulatory scrutiny. The purpose of this poster is to solicit feedback and discussion on how best to solve the challenges we all face in order to best support model based drug development into the future.
- Identify the opportunities
- Prioritize the different needs
- Deliver the required infrastructure
- Review progress
Several areas of interest can be identified:
- Emerging modeling algorithms
- Industrialization of model based drug development
- Knowledge Management
Technology and computing power are essential to the effective application of model based drug development. High performance computing is now well established but there is still work to be done to integrate all the steps for maximum efficiency. With continuing cost pressures and ever increasing demands for computing power the industry must come together to increase productivity cost effectively and deliver on the promise of model based drug development. How can the industry and academia come together to deliver the best possible technology platform?