The Lewis Sheiner Student Session

The PAGE organising committee has decided to inaugurate the annual Lewis Sheiner Student Session, both to honour the memory of Lewis Sheiner and to highlight his lifetime passion for student education.

    The Lewis Sheiner Student Session

In 2005, the PAGE organising committee inaugurated the annual Lewis Sheiner Student Session, both to honour the memory of Lewis Sheiner and to highlight his lifetime passion for student education. Students wishing to be considered for inclusion in this session should submit an extended abstract of their intended presentation for the PAGE meeting. A structured abstract is required (Objectives/ Methods/ Results/ Conclusion/ References) with number of characters (including spaces) not exceeding 7,000 but not less than 6,000 for the abstract itself (i.e. excluding Title/ Authors/ Affiliation and References). The submitted work must have been performed either as an MSc or PhD student, or with the goal that the submitted work will ultimately form part of a PhD thesis. Both 'regular' academic students and candidates with industry affiliations preparing a PhD thesis are invited.

Each year a rotating committee of three members, representative of the PAGE community, will judge who should receive the honour of presenting in the Lewis Sheiner Student Session. The committee consists of one volunteering member of the PAGE Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC), or Advisors, and the other 2 members are nominated by the SOC/Advisors and are regular PAGE participants who have made substantial contributions to PAGE in the past. Diversity and inclusiveness in representation are prioritized by the SOC/Advisors when constituting the review committee annually.

If elected, the candidate will automatically receive a PAGE-sponsored 300 € award (on top of potential other grants). A permanent list of students, with links to their presentation, will be maintained below.

Lewis Sheiner Student Session abstracts are always reviewed by removing authors, affiliations, and acknowledgements, to blind the reviewers to the origin of the abstract. If a reviewer detects one of the abstract as originating from their group, their vote for that abstract is abstained and replaced by the average of the other two votes.


The committee for 2024 consisted of Siv Jönsson, Jérémie Guedj, and Coen van Hasselt, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2023 consisted Paolo Denti, Maria Kjellsson, and Stefanie Hennig, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2022 consisted of Al Maloney, Nadia Terranova and Justin Wilkins, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2021 consisted of Juan José Perez-Ruixo, Kayode Ogungbenro and Stacey Tannenbaum, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2020 consisted of Rocio Lledo-Garcia, Monica Simeoni, and Sandra Visser, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2019 consisted of Emilie Hénin, Andrew Hooker, and Thomas Dorlo, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2018 consisted of Ana Ruiz, Alain Munafo, and Julie Bertrand, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2017 consisted of Kristin Karlsson, Julia Winkler, and Paolo Magni and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2016 consisted of Marylore Chenel, Aris Dokoumetzidis and Leonid Gibiansky and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2015 consisted of Rada Savic, Steven Kern and Michael Looby and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2014 consisted of Emanuelle Comets, Panos Macheras and Joachim Grevel and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2013 consisted of Philippe Jacqmin, Leon Aarons and Lena Friberg and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2012 consisted of Dinesh Dealwis, Katya Gibiansky and Pascal Girard and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2011 consisted of Alison Thomson, An Vermeulen and Niclas Jonsson and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2010 consisted of Chantal Csajka, Ferdie Rombout and Willi Weber and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2009 consisted of Charlotte Kloft, Iñaki Trocóniz and Oscar Della Pasqua and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2008 consisted of Janet Wade, Sily Laporte and Stephen Duffull and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2007 consisted of France Mentré, Nick Holford and René Bruno, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2006 consisted of Jean-Louis Steimer, Alison Thomson, Rik Schoemaker and Ted Grasela as special guest, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):


The committee for 2005 consisted of Brigitte Tranchand, Jean-Louis Steimer and Willi Weber, and elected the following students (with links to their presentations):
