2009 - St. Petersburg - Russia

PAGE 2009: Software demonstration
William Bachman

PDx-Pop® 4 for NONMEM® 7

William J. Bachman

ICON Development Solutions

Objectives: PDx-Pop software provides an easy to use graphical user interface to expedite the iterative process of population pharmacokinetic modeling and analysis. 

Results: New features available in PDx-Pop Version 4 - PDx-Pop 4 is fully compatible and synergetics with NONMEM 7:

1. Enhanced run options for multiple estimation method runs - stop and estimation method, skip to next estimation method, choice to display numerical iterations or not during the run.

2. Displays the real-time objective function versus iteration for all the new estimation methods (including Bayesian sampling history plots).

3. New diagnostic plots for the new methods (e.g. plots of automated multiple simultaneous Bayesian chain output).

4. New control stream wizard features to add NONMEM syntax for the new estimation methods.

5. Ability to use multiple cpu's on multi-processor systems for batched runs

Conclusions: The software has been updated and extended for NONMEM 7.



Reference: PAGE 18 (2009) Abstr 1664 [www.page-meeting.org/?abstract=1664]
Software demonstration